Leader emphasizes the integral role of prayer at 30th National Salat Conference

TEHRAN – In a powerful convergence of spiritual insights, the 30th National Salat Conference unfolded with messages from the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, both underscoring the pivotal role of prayer as more than a ritual but a guiding force in the life of the individual and the community.
Amidst discussions of prayer's centrality to a righteous life, the conference served as a platform to illuminate the profound responsibilities tied to promoting and practicing this divine duty.
The Leader's message reads:
“In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon Muhammad and his pure Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth (may we be sacrificed for him).
I thank Almighty God for the continuation of this blessed, auspicious tradition of honoring salat [prayer]. I would like to sincerely extend my gratitude to Hujjat al-Islam Qara’ati, a diligent, insightful scholar who is the founder of this blessed movement.
Salat cannot be considered to be just one of the current needs of an individual and the Muslim community. This great obligation goes far beyond such needs. It should be considered to be the soul for the organs of the human body or like air compared to a person’s other material needs.
The fact that the acceptance of all worship acts and actions done in serving God are dependent on the acceptance of salat, the fact that the command to pray and to be firm in doing prayers was demanded [by God] from the Prophet, the fact that prayer is considered to be the first requirement in the rule of the righteous, and the fact that its performance and the emphasis on it has been repeated more than any other obligation in the Quran are all proof of the unique status of this divine duty.
Encouraging prayer among the younger generation is the key to spreading this divine blessing and ensuring it is in its rightful place. Those who work in areas related to the youth and teenagers – those in the family environment, in schools, in universities, in sports environments, the religious scholars in schools and universities, the Basiji groups in mosques, the Basiji units, the Jihad of Construction organizations, the Jihad groups, and similar groups – should know that they are among those who are addressed by the verse, “Establish salat” (Quran 6:72). They need to pave the way for the new generation to learn salat, to perform the salat, and to improve the quality of their salat. They need to make salat, going to the mosque, being focused when praying, attentiveness to the meaning of salat, and learning about the rules of salat more appealing. And they need to establish salat in its true, genuine form.
I pray that Almighty God will bless everyone with success.”
As part of the conference, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi echoed the sentiment, describing prayer as the most promising duty and the most effective element in the field of self-improvement and religious community building. He emphasized, "Prayer is very effective in the life of the righteous, and basically, it is not possible to form a righteous life and achieve a healthy society without prayer."
Commending the endeavors of Hujjat al-Islam Qara’ati in fulfilling this divine duty, Raisi highlighted the ongoing efforts to advocate and engage in prayers. He emphasized that prayer serves as the foundational pillar of religion.
Expanding on the concept, Raisi positioned prayer as the central tenet of Islamic lifestyle, offering guidance to those with strength and power by advising them to prioritize prayer. He underscored the significance of prayer as the most potent tool in combatting internal and external challenges, including struggles against the ego, demons, wickedness, and tyranny. According to him, prayer stands out as the most hopeful duty among all divine commands.
President Raisi asserted that prayer not only aids in personal development but also equips individuals to tackle societal challenges arising from internal and external sources, particularly those fueled by demons and tyranny. Concluding his remarks, he emphasized that reaching the pinnacle of perfection is contingent on a sincere dedication to prayer. In essence, prayer is not just a method but also an ultimate goal.
Affirming his commitment to addressing his executive duties in connection to prayer, President Raisi stressed the responsibility of individuals with strength and power to enhance the quality and fortify the spirit of prayer. He urged those in executive roles to exemplify and promote prayer through their conduct, actions, and the genuine spirit of their own prayers, serving as an inviting beacon for others to engage in this sacred practice.
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